
Best crosshair and DPI settings for Winston in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a first-person shooter in which two teams of five players battle against each other using Heroes. There are various Heroes in the game, each with their own unique set of abilities. They are classified into three types: tank, damage, and support.

Winston belongs to the Tank class and is one of the game's most mobile tanks, capable of jumping across the field to cause havoc on the opponent's side. Players must employ the proper crosshair and mouse settings to get the most out of the hero in a match.

The following article will go through all the necessary details to set up the perfect crosshair and mouse settings.

Best crosshair settings for Winston in Overwatch 2

Winston is somewhat difficult to play as he is very mobile and is only effective in close-range fights. His Tesla Cannon has a broad hitbox, meaning it connects and causes damage even if the user's aim isn't accurate enough, but has a limited range of eight meters.

To engage in close-quarter fights, players will require a proper crosshair with good visibility. In Overwatch 2, one should utilize the following crosshair settings for Winston:

  • Type: Circle
  • Show Accuracy: Off
  • Color: Player preference (it is advised to use White/Green/Cyan)
  • Thickness: 1
  • Crosshair Length: 0
  • Center Gap: 60
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Outline Opacity: 0%
  • Dot Size: 5
  • Dot Opacity: 100%
  • Scale With Resolution: On
Winston's crosshair in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

The crosshair generated from the above settings will be a circle with a dot in the middle. It will aid players in tracking foes at close range, and because the cannon doesn't require accurate aim, a larger crosshair will be quite useful.

A firm crosshair with excellent visibility can enable players to take out enemies in a match efficiently.

Best DPI settings for Winston

For Winston's DPI settings in Overwatch 2, players are recommended to use an eDPI of 1600 or 800 and an in-game sensitivity of 5 or 10.

DPI is all about personal choice and convenience. However, players should use a slightly greater sensitivity as Winstone will be on the frontline and can even leap towards the enemy side, so quick mouse movement will provide a positive outcome.

More about Winston

Winston is a brilliant scientist and a promoter of humanity's future as a super-intelligent, genetically altered gorilla. With gorilla strength, he possesses astounding inventions such as a jump pack, an electricity-blasting Tesla Cannon, a portable shield projector, and more.

His abilities in Overwatch 2 are discussed below:

  • Tesla Cannon: Shoots a short-range electric barrage as long as he keeps the trigger down.
  • Tesla Cannon (right-click): After being held, a medium-range electric beam fires.
  • Barrier Projector: Winston's barrier projector creates a bubble-shaped field that absorbs damage until it is demolished. Allies shielded by the barrier can fire back from within it.
  • Jump Pack: Winston takes off into the air, causing damage to opponents he falls on.
  • Primal Rage(Ultimate): Winston embraces his wild side, dramatically increasing his health and making him extremely tough to kill, improving his melee strike and allowing him to utilize his Leap pack Ability more frequently. He may only use melee and Jump Pack attacks while in rage mode.

Overwatch 2, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, is available for free on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-16