
Big Shows Top 10 Destroyers, Living Colour Shouts Out CM Punk

Big Show’s Top 10 Destroyers

In lieu of Big Show getting taken out by Randy Orton this past Monday on RAW, WWE has posted a new episode of WWE Top 10 in which they acknowledge superstars who have successfully taken out Big Show.

The Undertaker, Braun Strowman, and Mark Henry are three of the superstars you will see on the list which can be viewed below.


Living Colour Shouts Out CM Punk

Yesterday marked the nine year anniversary since CM Punk returned to WWE under his new theme song, Living Colour’s ‘Cult of Personality’.

The band took to Twitter to shout out CM Punk and WWE fans, saying that they still send love and light to them. CM Punk responded to the tweet, saying that his little league baseball team used to use that theme song. He even noted how he used the same theme in UFC.

Take a look at the short interaction below.

Was my little league team song in 89. Used it in @ringofhonor in 05. In 11 I gave em no choice. Even rocked it in @ufc. It’s been a crazy life, thanks for helping with the soundtrack!!! ❤️ https://t.co/sWVtHC2Txt

— player/coach (@CMPunk) July 25, 2020


Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-05-25