
Billions Recap 2/26/17: Season 2 Episode 2 Dead Cat Bounce

Billions Recap 2/26/17: Season 2 Episode 2 "Dead Cat Bounce"

Tonight on Showtime the show Billions airs with an all new Sunday, February 26, season 2 episode 2 called “Dead Cat Bounce” and we have your weekly Billions recap below. On tonight’s Billions season 2 episode 2 as per the Showtime synopsis, “Axe (Damian Lewis) publicly spars with a rival hedge fund manager and with the help of a talented intern initiates a new financial play to hurt the competition. Meanwhile, Chuck (Paul Giamatti) deploys his team to quickly find a high-profile case that might save his sinking status; and Wendy navigates a minefield of questioning that could result in disaster for Chuck.”

So makes sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Billions recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Billions pics, videos, news, recaps and more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode of Billions kicks off with Bobby Axelrod participating on a “Thoughtful Leaders” panel with his new nemesis Todd Krakow. The audience is packed full of eager aspiring business men and women who have paid thousands of dollars to hear the men speak, in hopes of learning something that will help them. Instead, they get to listen to Todd Krakow and Bobby Axelrod hurl insults back and forth. Bobby storms off the stage after embarrassing Todd mercilessly.

After the panel, Todd continues to antagonize Bobby – it’s clear that their disagreement is over Wendy Rhoades and Bobby is furious that Todd tried to swoop in and hire her at his firm.

Chuck meets with Ira for some legal advice, the Attorney General has called him in for a meeting and he’s sure he is going to be fired. On top of that, he was just served a pile of lawsuits, courtesy of Bobby Axelrod. Ira does give Chuck an idea though – he advises Chuck to take on a company that the Attorney General despises, and is nearly impossible to win, then she won’t want to fire him.

Chuck calls his minions in for a meeting and orders them to find him a huge new case that is almost impossible to win.

Meanwhile, Bobby is determined to take down Krakow. He has everyone at the office digging up dirt, and Mafee’s intern Taylor hits the nail on the head. Apparently, Krakow has been basing his investments on satellite images from China, which gives them a perfect way to sideline him.

Wendy gets an uninvited visitor at the house – Chuck’s father. He figured out that Chuck and Wendy have split, and he’s not happy about it. He lectures her about carrying on the family legacy, and blowig her shot at being the First Lady of New York.

Wendy and Chuck head to therapy, they kick the therapist out of the room so that they can discuss Chuck’s legal woes. Dake is going to interview wendy, and they need to get their stories straight about her bonuses from Bobby. Chuck tells her not to lie for him, the last thing they need is for both of them to wind up in jail, then who will care for the kids?

Wendy’s new replacement arrives at Bobby’s office – Dr. Gus is eccentric, and apparently doesn’t know how to speak with an indoor voice. He’s certainly going to make things interesting around the office.

In the meantime, Dake is on a mission to take down Chuck. After questioning Wendy about receiving a payment from Bobby as a bribe, he calls Connerty and rattles him some more about cooperating and testifying against Chuck. Later, Dake heads to Bobby’s office and offers him a deal – he wants Bobby to testify that Chuck accepted a bribe from him. Bobby is seriously considering the idea, but if he testifies against Chuck, then he will be ruining Wendy too.

Back at his office, Chuck is still determined to find a new case to take on to impress the Attorney General and save his own butt. He shouts at Kate and Connerty to go find him a “monumental f—king case.” Chuck can tell that Connerty is slacking, and is not being himself. He reassures Chuck that he will have some potential cases by the end of the day.

Chuck meets up with Ira for drinks, Ira has been doing some snooping around about his case and learned that Dake has multiple retired Attorney Generals that are willing to testify against Chuck and but him out of business for good.

Dr. Gus corners Wags in the hallway and wants to know why he hasn’t been in for a therapy session yet, Gus thinks that something may be going on with him.

Taylor and Bobby spend the week working together hitting Todd where it hurts – financially. After they tank one of his stocks, Bobby is pretty impressed with Taylor and after some serious pressure, Bobby convinces Taylor to work at the firm full time. Of course, she doesn’t come cheap.

Chuck finally finds the perfect new case, thanks to Kate. He calls the Attorney General’s office and pitches a new case against GoodStop, a major grocery store chain, CEO Kurt Williams has apparently been shortchanging his employees millions in overtime. Coincidentally, Kurt is also not a huge fan of the AG and has been funding pacts against her.

Chuck’s dad shows up at his office – it’s time for Chuck to face the music and discuss his and Wendy’s split with his dad. Chuck’s dad thinks that the answer to their marriage trouble is money, he wants chuck to bribe Wendy with expensive jewelry and wind her back.

Fred Reyes calls and interrupts Chuck’s uncomfortable meeting with his dad, and he’s got bad news. The Attorney General didn’t take the bait, she says that she will give the Kurt William case to whoever moves in to Chuck’s office – it looks like he’s officially fired.

Chuck heads home and Wendy is at the house with the kids. She fills him in on her meeting with Dake, and then gives him a pep-talk about making different choices and doing a 180, because clearly whatever he’s doing now isn’t working.

In the morning Chuck heads to the Attorney General’s office to face the music. Apparently, Wendy’s pep-talk the night before worked, and Chuck was up all night plotting ways to save his job. He leaked a story to the press that he is going after Spartan-Ives, who is a huge friend of the Attorney General. Now, she can’t fire him because it will look like she axed him to save her friends at Spartan-Ives. The AG is not happy, she threatens that she will just fire him in a few months after this all blows over.

Lawrence meets with Bobby first thing in the morning, he explains that Chuck is coming after his company Spartan-Ives, and he needs to know everything in his playbook. Bobby warns Lawrence that he will have to “crawl through a river of sh-t” and do things that are not conventional or morale.



Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-06-03